Dr. Dipanjan Mukherjee



Pic-Dr. Dipanjan Mukherjee
Assistant Professor
+91-9836832914, +91-9395625121
Email: dipanjan@civil.nits.ac.in
Date of Joining: 30-11-2023
Academic/Industrial Experience (in years): 2 years + 1.5 years










  • Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, 30th November 2023 to Till Date.
  • Assistant Professor (Grade-I), Department of Civil Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, Punjab, India (October 2022 – November 2023, https://www.thapar.edu)
  • Team Leader – “Road Safety and Audits” at SaveLIFE Foundation (https://savelifefoundation.org), India (April 2021 – August 2022)


  • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering) from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (2015-2021)
  • M.Tech in Transportation Engineering from National Institute of Technology Silchar, India (2013-2015, 9.08/10)
  • B.Tech in Civil Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology, India (2009-2013, 9.18/10)
  • 12th from WBCHSE, West Bengal, India (2009, 86.40%)
  • 10th from WBBSE, West Bengal, India (2007, 88.87%)


  • Traffic Engineering, Transportation Planning, Road Safety
  • Certified Road Safety Auditor from CRRI, AITD, iRAP 
  • Certified Road Safety expert from IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi, John Hopkin’s University
  • Performed road safety audit and blackspot rectification ~ 7000 km of Expressways, National Highways, State Highways, and Major District Roads across 18 States in India 


Dr. Dipanjan Mukherjee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at NIT Silchar, where he has been contributing since December 2023. He holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from IIT Kharagpur and an M.Tech in Transportation Engineering from NIT Silchar. Before joining academia, he served as Team Leader in the “Road Safety and Audits” division at “SaveLIFE Foundation,” where he played a key role in assessing and improving road safety across India.

Dr. Mukherjee’s research focuses on road safety evaluation in developing countries, with expertise in traffic engineering, crash data analysis, accident data modelling, non-motorized transportation, transportation planning, travel behaviour, and pavement design. A certified road safety auditor, he has conducted audits and black spot rectifications across 7,000 km of Expressway, NH, SH, and MDR in 18 states in India, significantly contributing to safer road infrastructure.

His academic contributions include 10 SCI-indexed and 3 Scopus-indexed journal publications, 3 book chapters, and 37 international conference papers. He has been recognized with four international best paper awards at prestigious conferences. Dr. Mukherjee has received professional certifications in ‘Road Safety Auditor’ from CRRI, AITD, iRAP, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi, and Johns Hopkins University, reinforcing his expertise in road safety and transportation systems.

Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=VGbTbRAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

ORCID: 0000-0002-6318-1414     ||    Scopus ID: 57209833856



External Funded Project

  1. Project Titel: Development of a methodological framework for road safety assessment using combined reactive and proactive approaches. Funding Agency:  TIET SEED Grant, Role: PI, Amount: 3.87 lakh, Award Date: March 2023.
  2. Project Titel: Development of Sustainable Pavement Preservation Materials with Carbonaceous Chars as Alternative Fillers, Funding Agency:  Center of Excellence in Emerging Materials, TIET, Role: Co-PI, Amount: 13.01 lakh, Award Date: September 2023.


  1. Mitra, S. and Mukherjee, D. (2017). Training Manual for Drivers: Chapter 6: Vulnerable Road Users. West Bengal Transport Department, Govt. of West Bengal, India, pp – 133-143.
  2. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2025). Study of Factors Contributing to Vulnerable Road Users Hit-and-Run Crashes in Urban Setup in a Developing Country. Transportation Research Procedia82, 2582-2604.
  3.  Chakraborty, A., Chatterjee, S., Jose, R., Mukherjee, D., Roy, N., Mitra S. (2023) Identification of Risk Factors and Formulation of Cost-Effective Countermeasure Plans for Two-Lane Highways Using iRAP: A Case Study in West Bengal, India. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG 2023), Volume 3. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-9943-5 (Accepted)


Subjects Currently Teaching: 

  1. Engineering Graphics and Design, UG 1st Sem 
  2. Geo Science Laboratory, UG 4th Sem 
  3. Intelligent Transportation Systems, PG 2nd Sem

Subjects Taught: 

  1. Engineering Graphics and Design, UG 1st Sem 
  2. Civil Engineering Drawing, UG 3rd Sem 
  3. Seminar, PG 2nd Sem


  1. Member of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (RM-19-19-0131)
  2. Life Time Member Transportation Research Group of India


  1. Best Paper Award for Difficult Research Accumulations at the 13th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) Conference held on 9-12th September 2019 in Colombo City, Sri Lanka. 
  2. Best Paper Presentation Award at the 13th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) Conference held on 9-12th September 2019 in Colombo City, Sri Lanka. 
  3. Best Poster Presentation Award at the 13th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) Conference held on 9-12th September 2019 in Colombo City, Sri Lanka.
  4. International Journal for Research Under Literal Access Award for the “Innovative Researcher” in the field of Road Safety. For the research paper published in the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, January 26, 2020, at Grandeur Hall, Breeze Residency, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India


  1. Faculty In-Charge of “Surveying Engineering Lab”
  2. Faculty In-Charge of “Transportation Engineering Lab”
  3. Faculty In-Charge of “Plotter Room” &” Viscometer Room”
  4. Member of Departmental Time-Table Committee 
  5. Faculty Advisor of UG 2nd Year
  6. Member of Departmental Newsletter Committee 
  7. Secretary of “Drama Club” Gymkhana, NIT Silchar


  1. Accident Analysis and Prevention
  2. Transport Policy
  3. Transportation in Developing Economies
  4. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
  5. Transportation Planning and Technology
  6. Traffic Injury Prevention
  7. Journal of Public Health
  8. Modern Transportation
  9. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)
  10. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering
  11. Geo-spatial Information Science
  12. BMC Public Health


  1. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2019). A comparative study of safe and unsafe signalized intersections from the viewpoint of pedestrian behavior and perception. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 132, 105218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2019.06.010 Impact Factor: 5.7, SCI, Q-1.  
  2. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2021). Investigating the fatal pedestrian crash occurrence in urban setup in a developing country using multiple-risk source model. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 163, 106469. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2021.106469 Impact Factor: 5.7, SCI, Q-1.
  3. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2020). A comprehensive study on factors influencing pedestrian signal violation behavior: Experience from Kolkata City, India. Safety Science, 124, 104610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104610 Impact Factor: 4.7, SCI, Q-1.
  4. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S. Pedestrian safety analysis of urban intersections in Kolkata, India using a combined proactive and reactive approach. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 14(5), 754-795. https://doi.org/10.1080/19439962.2020.1818907 Impact Factor: 2.4, SCI, Q-1.
  5. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2022). What affects pedestrian crossing difficulty at urban intersections in a developing country? IATSS Research, 46(4), 586-601. ESCI, SCOPUS, Impact Factor: 3.2, SCI, Q-1
  6. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2020). Comprehensive study of risk factors for fatal pedestrian crashes in urban setup in a developing country. Transportation research record, 2674(8), 100-118. https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120925804 Impact Factor: 1.6, SCI, Q-2.
  7. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2020). Modelling risk factors for fatal pedestrian crashes in Kolkata, India. International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 27(2), 197-214. https://doi.org/10.1080/17457300.2020.1725894 Impact Factor: 0.875, SCI, Q-2.
  8. Chakraborty, A., Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2019). Development of pedestrian crash prediction model for a developing country using artificial neural network. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 26(3), 283-293. https://doi.org/10.1080/17457300.2019.1627463 Impact Factor: 0.875, SCI, Q-2.
  9. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2022). Proactive pedestrian safety evaluation at urban road network level, an experience in Kolkata City, India. International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 29(2), 160-181. https://doi.org/10.1080/17457300.2021.1973509 Impact Factor: 0.875, SCI, Q-2. 
  10. Mukherjee, D., and Mitra, S. (2020). A Comprehensive Study on Identification of Risk Factors for Fatal Pedestrian Crashes at Urban Intersections in a Developing Country. Asian Transport Studies, 6C (2020) 100003. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eastsj.2020.100003 SCOPUS, Q-3.
  11. Mukherjee, D., Kumar, A. (2024). Identification of factors influencing pedestrian perceived safety and satisfaction level using ordered logit models in an Indian midsized city. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 283-299. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijtdi.080207. SCOPUS, Cite Score 2023: 2, Q-3.
  12. Mukherjee, D., Kumar, A., Dewangan R. K. (2025).  Factors influencing red-light violation behavior by vulnerable road users: a case study from an Indian mid-sized city. Advances in Transportation Studies, July 2025,  Scopus, Q-4 (Accepted).
  13. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2020). Identification of Pedestrian Risk Factors Using Negative Binomial Model. Transportation in Developing Economies, 6(1), 4. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40890-019-0092-6
  14. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2019). Impact of Road Infrastructure Land Use and Traffic Operational Characteristics on Pedestrian Fatality Risk: A Case Study of Kolkata, India. Transportation in Developing Economies, 5(2), 6. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40890-019-0077-5.
  15. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2019). Evaluation of Pedestrian Satisfaction Level at Signalized Intersections in Perspective of Pedestrian Fatality Risk: An Experience in Kolkata City, India. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 13, 2049-2072. https://doi.org/10.11175/easts.13.2049.
  16. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2022). Development of a systematic methodology to enhance the safety of vulnerable road users in developing countries. Transportation in developing economies, 8(2), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40890-022-00165-4.
  17. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S. The Role of Built Environment on Pedestrian Safety and Pedestrian Activity at Urban Signalized Intersections. Transportation in Developing Economies, 8(2), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40890-022-00168-1.
  18. Mukherjee, D. (2014) Determination of Variation of Soil Characteristic due to Lime Stabilization. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology. Volume 8, Issue 10, September (2014), pp. 231-240.
  19. Mitra, S., Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2019). Safety Assessment of Urban Un-Signalized Intersections Using Conflict Analysis Technique. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 13, 2163- 2181. https://doi.org/10.11175/easts.13.2163.
  20. Chakraborty, A., Mukherjee, D., Chatterjee, S., Mitra, S., & Maitra, B. (2022). Identification of Risk Factors and Safety Issues using Police Reported Crash Data: An Experience in the State of West Bengal, India. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 14, 2217-2237. https://doi.org/10.11175/easts.14.2217.
  21. Hussaini, M. A. T. O., Labaran, Y. H., Mukherjee, D., Saini, G., & Farouq, M. M. Achieving sustainability in Nigerian households: Investigating factors impacting energy efficiency practices. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, 8(3), 29-41. https://doi.org/10.47481/jscmt.1261384

Conferences Papers

Transportation Research Board

  1. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S., (2019) Identification of Risk Factors for Fatal Pedestrian Crashes in Urban Setup in a Developing Country, 98th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 2019.
  2. Pareekh, P., Mitra, S., Mukherjee, D., Wadhwaniya, S., Gupta, S., Hyder, A. (2019) A Study of Road Traffic Injuries using Data from Trauma Care Facilities: Additional Perspectives from India, 98th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington Dc, USA, 2019.
  3. Mukherjee, D., and Mitra, S. (2020) A Comprehensive Study of Risk Factors for Fatal Pedestrian Crashes in Urban Setup in a Developing Country – 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2020.
  4. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S. (2020) A Study on Identification of Key Factors Influencing Pedestrian Signal Violation Behaviour in a Developing Country – 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2020.
  5. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S. (2020) Pedestrian Safety Analysis of Urban Intersections in Kolkata, India Using a Combined Proactive and Reactive Approach – 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2020.
  6. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S. (2021) What Affects Pedestrian Crossing Difficulty at Urban Intersections in a Developing Country? 100th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2021.
  7. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S. (2021) Development of a Methodological Framework to Evaluate Pedestrian Safety at Urban Intersection Level in a Developing Country. 100th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2021.
  8. Mukherjee, D. Abdel-Aty., Goswamy A. (2023) A Comprehensive Analysis of Pedestrian Fatalities and Severe Injury Crashes in Florida. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2023.
  9. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S. (2023) Identification of Factors Affecting Pedestrian Signal Violation Behaviour at Urban Signalized Intersections in a Developing Country. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2023.
  10. Mukherjee, D., Kumar A., and Dewangan R.K., Factors Influencing Traffic Signal Violations by Vulnerable Road Users: A Case Study from An Indian Mid-Sized City. 103nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2024.
  11. Mukherjee, D. Assessing Pedestrian Safety at Urban Signalized Intersections Across Various Land Use Types: Insights from A Mid-Sized Indian City. 104th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2025.

World Conference on Transport Research

  1. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S., (2019) Identification of Risk Factors Leading to Pedestrian Fatalities: An Experience in Kolkata City, World Conference on Transport Research – WCTR 2019 Mumbai, India 26-31th May 2019.
  2. Chakraborty, A., Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2019). Development of pedestrian crash prediction model for a developing country using artificial neural network, World Conference on Transport Research – WCTR 2019 Mumbai, India 26-31th May 2019.
  3. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S., (2023) Study of Factors Contributing to Vulnerable Road Users’ Hit-and-Run Crashes in Urban Setup in a Developing Country, World Conference on Transport Research – WCTR 2023 Montreal 17-21th July 2023.

Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS)

  1. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S., (2019) Development of A Methodological Framework to Identify Risk of Road Traffic Crashes in Indian Metro Cities Using Police Recorded Crash Data, 13th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 9-12th September 2019
  2. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S., (2019) Factors Influencing Pedestrian Signal Violations: A Case Study from Kolkata, India. 13th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 9-12th September 2019.
  3. Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2019). Evaluation of Pedestrian Satisfaction Level at Signalized Intersections in Perspective of Pedestrian Fatality Risk: an Experience in Kolkata City, India. 13th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies(EASTS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 9-12th September 2019.
  4. Mitra, S., Mukherjee, D., & Mitra, S. (2019). Safety Assessment of Urban Un-Signalized Intersections Using Conflict Analysis Technique. 13th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 9-12th September 2019.
  5. Mukherjee, D., and Mitra, S. (2020). A Comprehensive Study on Identification of Risk Factors for Fatal Pedestrian Crashes at Urban Intersections in a Developing Country. 13th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 9-12th September 2019.
  6. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S. Impact of Road Infrastructure, Traffic Operations and Pedestrian Crossing Behavior on Fatal Pedestrian Crashes at Urban Signalized Intersections. 14th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 12-14th September 2021.
  7. Chakraborty, A., Mukherjee, D., Chatterjee, S., Mitra, S., Maitra, B. Identification of Risk Factors and Safety Issues using Police Reported Crash Data: An Experience in the State of West Bengal, India. 14th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 12-14th September 2021.
  8. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S. Assessing Countermeasure Effects for Reducing Pedestrian Crash Risk at Urban Intersections: An Experience in Kolkata City, India. 14th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 12-14th September 2021.

Conference of Transportation Research Group of India

  1. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S., (2019) Evaluation of key factors influencing pedestrian-vehicular post-encroachment time at road network level: an experience in Kolkata city, India. 5th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), Bhopal, India. 18-21th December 2019.
  2. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S. (2019) Pedestrian risk analysis at uncontrolled midblock locations in urban setup in a developing country. 5th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), Bhopal, India. 18-21th December 2019.
  3. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S., (2017) Impact of Road Infrastructure Land Use and Traffic Operational Characteristics on Pedestrian Fatality Risk: A Case Study of Kolkata, India. 4th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), Bombay, India. 17-20th December 2017.
  4. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S. (2021) Development of a systematic methodology to enhance the safety of vulnerable road users in developing countries. 6th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG-2021), 14th to 17th December 2021
    Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), Tamil Nadu, India.
  5. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S. (2021) The Role of Built Environment on Pedestrian Safety and Pedestrian Activity at Urban Signalized Intersections. 6th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG-2021), 14th to 17th December 2021
    Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), Tamil Nadu, India.
  6. Mukherjee, D., Kumar, A. (2023) Identification of Factors Influencing Pedestrian Perceived Safety and Satisfaction Level in an Indian Midsized City. 7th Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG2023), 17th to 20th December 2023, Surat, India.
  7. Chakraborty, A., Chatterjee, S., Jose, R., Mukherjee, D., Roy, N., Mitra S. (2023) Identification of Risk Factors and Formulation of Cost-Effective Countermeasure Plans for Two-Lane Highways Using iRAP: A Case Study in West Bengal, India. 7th Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG2023), 17th to 20th December 2023, Surat, India.

ASCE Conference

  1. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S., Modelling of Pedestrian Satisfaction Level at urban Intersections in a Developing country. International Conference on Transport and Development, Austin, TX, 6th – 9th June 2021.
  2. Mukherjee, D. and Mitra, S., Identification of Key Factors Influencing the Use of Foot Over Bridge in Urban Setup in a Developing Country: A Case Study in Kolkata City, India. International Conference on Transport and Development, Austin, TX, 6-9th June 2021.

Other International Conference

  1. Mitra, S., Mukherjee, D., Subudhi, T. (2016) Development of a Methodological Framework of Road Safety Management for Indian Metro Cities. Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries; 19-21th December 2016.
  2. Mukherjee, D., Mitra, S., (2017) What affects fatal pedestrian crashes at urban signalized intersections? A study on pedestrian behavior at signalized intersections in Kolkata using video-graphic survey; Road Safety and Simulation International Conference; 17-19th 2017.
  3. Mato, H., Mukherjee, D. (2021) Analysis of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Building Energy Efficiency Practices in Nigerian Households. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Sustainable Infrastructural Developments. 19th and 20th March 2021, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India.
  4. Mato, H., Mukherjee, D. (2021) A Comprehensive Review on Factors Influencing Adoption of Building Energy Efficiency Practices. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Sustainable Infrastructural Developments. 19th and 20th March 2021, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India.
  5. Mukherjee, D., Rajbongshi, P. (2015) Studies on Elastic Behavior and Strain Characteristics in Asphalt Pavement due to Soil Stabilization. International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment, ASCE conferences, ISBN-978-81-923320-6-2.
  6. Mukherjee, D., Rajbongshi, P. (2015) Determination of Elastic Modulus of Subgrade Layer due to Applications of Soil Lime Stabilization, Technological Innovations for Sustainable Infrastructure, NIT Calicut, India.


  1. “Classroom Management and Teaching-Learning & Evaluation in Higher Education” organized by the National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India, under the aegis of UGC-MMTTC, Assam University, Silchar, during December
    03-08, 2024.
  2. PowerPoint Using AI & ChatGPT – LIVE Workshop, Conducted by Skill Nation, 3rd February 2024.
  3. Short Term Course (STC) on “Highways in Hilly Region (HHR-2024)” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Uttarakhand, from January 17th to January 21st, 2024.
  4. 15-day certification course on “Road Safety Audit and other Road Safety Related Aspects” from 26th to 11th November 2020. Organized by CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, India
  5. Five Days Training Programmes on – “Road Safety Engineering measures” organized by IIT Kharagpur and Asian Institute of Transport Development (AITD), 8th to 12th April, Organized by IIT Kharagpur
  6. iRAP Training and Certification course – Organized by IIT Kharagpur 15th to 17th July 2019
  7. Statistical and Econometric Methods in Transportation – GAIN course, held at IIT Kharagpur, India, 26th to 30th November 2018, Organized by IIT Kharagpur
  8. Certification course on “Road Traffic Injury Prevention and Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries” – Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, April 2021.





  1. Mr. Subhankar Biswas, Work Domain: Electric rickshaw’s driving behavior and safety challenges
  2. Mr. Ngathem Denning Diaz, Work Domain: Traffic rules violation behavior, analyzing behavioral patterns and their implications for road safety


